Nuts Cup To Gram Conversions

Shelled Nut Equivalents. Approximate Conversions from Volume to Weight:

1 cup whole = 6 ounces = 170 grams
1 cup chopped = 5 ounces = 141 grams
1 cup sliced = 3 1/2 ounces = 99 grams
1 cup slivered = 4 1/2 ounces = 128 grams
1 cup ground = 4 ounces = 113 grams
1 pound whole = 2 2/3 cups

1 cup whole = 5 ounces = 141 grams
1 pound whole = 3 1/4 cups

1 cup whole = 6 ounces = 170 grams
1 cup chopped = 5 ounces = 141 grams
1 pound whole = 2 2/3 cups

1 pound whole = 2 1/2 cups
1 pound pureed = 2 cups
15.5-ounce can puree = 7/8 cup

1 cup whole = 5 1/2 ounces = 156 grams
1 cup chopped = 4 1/2 ounces = 128 grams
1 cup ground = 4 ounces = 113 grams
1 pound whole = 3 cups

1 cup whole = 5 ounces = 141 grams
1 cup chopped = 4 1/2 ounces = 128 grams
1 cup peanut butter = 9 ounces = 255 grams
1 pound whole = 3 1/4 cups

1 cup whole = 5 ounces = 141 grams
1 cup chopped = 4 ounces = 113 grams
1 cup ground = 3 1/2 ounces = 99 grams
1 pound whole = 3 1/4 cups

1 cup halves = 3 1/2 ounces = 99 grams
1 cup chopped = 4 1/2 ounces = 128 grams
1 pound halves = 4 1/2 cups

pine nuts
1 cup whole = 2 ounces = 57 grams
1 pound whole = 8 cups

1 cup whole = 4 1/2 ounces = 128 grams
1 cup chopped = 4 ounces = 113 grams
1 cup ground = 3 1/2 ounces = 99 grams
1 pound whole = 3 1/2 cups

1 cup halves = 3 1/2 ounces = 99 grams
1 cup chopped = 4 1/2 ounces = 128 grams
1 cup ground = 4 ounces = 113 grams
1 pound halves = 4 1/2 cups
